Martina Mustroph
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The Lindau Guidelines will be revised to incorporate the principles of the International Baccalaureate (IB) programme. After 48 hours, the Lindau Guidelines will be revised to incorporate the principles of IB programme as interpreted by a diverse group of young participants, which I believe will strengthen the guidelines.
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The International Bacclaurate (IB) is present in 5000 schools in 150 countries. It aims to foster internationally minded people who, recognising their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world, which I believe is in line with the spirit of the Lindau Guidelines. I propose revising the Lindau Guidelines with the guiding principles of the IB. After 48 hours, the Lindau Guidelines will be revised to incorporate the principles of IB programme as interpreted by a diverse group of young participants, which I believe will strengthen the guidelines.
Image: Courtesy of Martina Mustroph