
Sunny Tiwari

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One person can change the world but cannot save the world. We need most of us to fight climate change (CC). People are not informed about CC. “We need non-abstract and on-hand proofs of events to inform & educate people”. Science on fighting CC should not be limited to scientists.

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People don’t know about the Kyoto-protocol and UNFCCC. Can we inform the general audience about CC in a non-scientific and non-abstract way with on-hand proofs? Yes! How? Covid-19 taught me how! New Delhi: During Covid19-lockdown, people are seeing clearer-rivers and breathing cleaner-air just by not using private vehicles and with industries closed. Only 13 crores of 136 crores in India are literate with a secondary education. A large population is middle-class and rich and they mainly effect the climate and need to be informed directly about CC. In 48 hours Sciathon my group will find some ideas to reach people with on-hands proof about communicating CC.


Posted on

28. May 2020