by sciathon organisers | 20 August 2021
Unknown Frontiers in Physics Astrophysical Probes of Quantum Physics Quantum physics is a field that was developed using atoms, lasers and particle colliders. What can astrophysics tell us about quantum physics in the high energy, dense environment, strong gravitation...
by sciathon organisers | 20 August 2021
Unknown Frontiers in Physics The Petaelectronvolt Circular Collider to Discover the Supersymmetric Theory Petaelectronvolt circular collider for new foundations of particle physics: This proposal would explore new physics and engineering concepts to produce the first...
by sciathon organisers | 20 August 2021
Unknown Frontiers in Physics Astroparticle Physics: Science Fascinating People Astroparticle physics combines astrophysics, high energy physics and particle physics. Tiny particles like neutrinos are messengers from huge objects like active galactic nuclei with...